Bumps in the Road
Currently, I'm sitting in my living room, three - no - four days in to a 'weather event' that has dropped about an inch or two of little tiny ice shards.
As a former Minnesotan, the fact that I'm stuck in my home over this amount of snow seems slightly ridiculous.
However, I also should mention that I live on a very steep hill, and ice and physics don't mix well. I wouldn't actually even be able to get my car out of the garage, since that's a steep incline as well. And even if I was able by some miracle to get down the hill, there is no getting back up.
Portland and the surrounding area lack the infrastructure of a place like Minneapolis, because they simply don't get the snow levels with any consistency to warrant the amount of plows, road maintenance and prep that other cities do.

The main policy around snow here appears to be "wait it out" so here I sit with plenty of time to write and continue the arduous process of moving my writing.
As many of you know, I've decided that for now I'm suspending my Substack account - and I had big plans for a seamless transition. But as well know, the best laid plans often come with some additional hiccups. All this to say, I do plan to begin updating with more regularity in the near future, but for now, it's a bit in fits and starts. Thank you for your patience.
I have successfully pulled all of you who've subscribed to One New Thing a Day via substack, so I'm hoping that the transition should be fairly seamless for you. I'm thrilled you are here and thank you for your continued support.
In the meantime, wish me sun and good luck, and that the predicted ice/freezing rain storm for later today has been vastly overblown.
Things I'm thinking about today:
My friend and fellow advocate Jason Marquis Sole makes a cameo in this movie, and I'm really excited to go to the screening - hopefully I'm able to leave my house by then. Ha! www.acaseforlovemovie.com