New Year, Same Me

We all know, have a friend, co-worker, etc who's ALLLL about New Years, the new beginning and the reinvention of themselves.
I used to really buy in to all of that as well. While I do still use a new year to get organized and re-prioritize some parts of my life. It's more of a time of introspection, hibernation, and truly self care.
Since I have Seasonal Affective Disorder (along with millions of others) I typically tend to spiral this time of year in to a depressive funk based on very little reality, and less light.
I've tracked this for many years, and have discovered that sometime between January 30th and February 3rd I'm usually in a corner somewhere crying.
Since realizing this, I've made an effort to make January a self indulgent month. If I want to get my nails done in bright pink that can be seen from space, I do. If I want to take my family out for a fancy dinner, I do. If I want to stay home and watch TV, I do.
I have found that if I stop fighting my feelings and just let them live in this time, without judging, trying to fix them or taking this short period of feeling low, and make it my whole personality, I do much better. Many of us are working on thoughts become things, but emotions aren't those same things.
I hope your January is relaxing. You are enough.